
Selected Publications (chronologically ordered):

*Papers can be reached directly on ResearchGate* Last updated: Nov 9th, 2024.


Submitted or in preparation

Accepted or published


Submetidos ou em preparação

Aceitos ou publicados



Science & Education (2025-2029).

Guest Editorship

Special issue "New Histories of Science and Science Education" - Science & Education - co-edited with A. Guerra (CEFET-RJ, Brazil), P. Heering (EUF, Germany), 2025.
See the call for papers here: 

Special issue "The History of Science for a Science Education of the Future: Contemporary Challenges in Latin America" at Revista Brasileira de História da Ciência - co-edited with N. W. Lima (UFRGS), A. Aduríz-Bravo (U. Buenos Aires) and M. Quintanilla Gatica (PUC-Chile), 2022.
See the issue here:

Special issue "Science and Science Education in post-truth times" at Caderno Brasileiro de Ensino de Física - Co-edited with A. Guerra and I. Gurgel, 2020. 

Former Editorship

Former Associate Editor for Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências (Brazilian Journal of Research in Science Education), 2019-2021.

Former Section Editor for Revista Debates em Ensino de Química (Journal Debates in Chemistry Teaching), 2019-2023

Member of the Editorial Board of academic Journals

Research Themes:

Scientific Societies:

I am member of the following scientific societies:

IHPST (International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group)

IOSTE (International Organization for Science and Technology Education)

ESERA (European Science Education Research Association) 

CSSE (Canadian Society for the Study of Education)

CSHPS (Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science)